Electrosmog Appeal Belgium
Faced with the massive and reckless deployment of wireless technologies, we health professionals are asking the government to apply the precautionary principle in order to protect the population and more particularly the most vulnerable groups, including pregnant women and the children.
1135 Belgium signatories
Last update : 30/04/2023
With the support of:
Pr Emerita M. Havas, Recherche Scientifique sur l'EHS, Canada
Pr P. Heroux, Professeur de toxicologie et d'effets sanitaires des ondes électromagnétiques, Canada
Pr L. Hardell, specialist oncologist and cancer epidemiologist at Örebro University. Research about environmental risk factors for cancer like radiofrequency fields
Dr A. J. Sasco, Médecin et scientifique épidémiologiste pour la prévention du cancer, Université de Bordeaux
Pr D. Belpomme, Professeur en Oncologie Médicale, Recherche Clinique sur l'EHS, Paris
Pr M. Henry, Recherche Scientifique, Université de Strasbourg
Pr D. Carpenter, Director, Institute for Health and the Environment, University at Albany
Dr E. Mallery-Blythe, Medical Doctor / Researcher - Founder of Physicians' Health Inititive for Radiation and Enviornment (PHIREmedical.org), UK